20 Meme-Busting Books About Florida

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Travel to sunnier weather with these vibrant books about Florida. Our books set in Florida reading list is sure to inspire your next Sunshine State vacation.

After living in Florida for eight years, we’ve seen just about everything. Crocodiles on the side of the road. Bulls running through our yard. Awe-inspiring rocket launches from Cape Canaveral. Hurricanes.

Plus, snowbirds. Snowbirds. Snowbirds. The Sunshine State is infamous for Florida Man. Plus, it’s god’s waiting room, right? Not to mention a popular spring break destination.

So, what does this mean for books about Florida, exactly? Quite frankly, these classic FL associations warn us that Florida novels are just as wild and unpredictable as its residents.

Enter popular Florida authors like Tim Dorsey and Carl Hiaasen. To be fair, Hiaasen writes fun and educational books for middle graders too — with a strong focus on the environment. No women getting offed on boats there.

We asked some of our favorite book and travel bloggers to recommend the best books set in Florida that showcase the vibrant state.

Many of these novels about Florida are sure to bust your silly Florida myths and memes. Others…well, I make no promises.

Explore Florida classics, books set in Miami, the Keys, and Orlando, and a Florida novel or two that will change the way you look at the world. We’ll also share a few truth-bomb nonfiction books about Florida.

Lastly, uncover thrillers and mystery books set in Florida, although much of the state is still a mystery to me…

Let’s get started! Please *kindly* let us know in the comments if we missed your favorite Florida novel, too.

Take a road trip across America with our 50 States Reading List.

Books About Florida with palm trees, beach, buildings with lights, and sand in Fort Lauderdale, FLPin
Craving palm trees and gorgeous beaches? Let these Florida novels take you there.

Grab the best books about Florida here:

  • Audible Plus: From Amazon, listen to Amazon Originals, podcasts, and audiobooks. They add new titles every week.
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[mv_create key=”27″ type=”list” title=”20 Meme-Busting Books About Florida” thumbnail=”https://www.theuncorkedlibrarian.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Books-About-Florida-Everglades-Swamplandia-by-Karen-Russell.jpg” layout=”circles”]

Save These Books About Florida For Later

Best Books Set In Florida Pinterest pin with picture of Miami cityscape and book covers for Swamplandia, Darkly Dreaming Dexter, The Last Train To Key West, A Land Remembered, The Yearling, Mrs. Hemingway, Bad Monkey, and The Nickel BoysPin
Find a few new novels set in Florida that you just have to read now? Save this Florida reading list for later, and travel abroad via your armchair with The Uncorked Librarian.

What are you favorite books about Florida? Which Florida writers do you love?

What are the best books set in Florida that you love? Which Florida novel are you eyeing from this list? What’s your favorite Florida destination? Let us know in the comments!

Travel Around The South With These Reading Lists:

best books about the South
Tennessee Reading List
Travel To North Carolina With These Books
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Or, visit all of our North America-based Reading Lists & Book Lists Set Around The World

Christine Frascarelli

Christine (she/her) is the owner, lead editor, and tipsy book sommelier of The Uncorked Librarian LLC, an online literary publication showcasing books and movies to inspire travel and home to the famed Uncorked Reading Challenge. With a BA in English & History from Smith College, an MLIS from USF-Tampa, and a U.S. Fulbright Fellowship in Christine's back pocket, there isn't a bookstore, library, or winery that can hide from her. Christine loves brewery yoga, adopting all of the kitties, and a glass of oaked Chardonnay. Charcuterie is her favorite food group.


  1. Another great list! Florida, to me too, doesn’t sound like the best place ever but I like these book options! I should read another John Green book and Paper Town sounds good. I should read another John Green one. So far I’ve only read Fault in Our Stars.
    Also, I’ve definitely heard of Their Eyes Were Watching God, but I had no idea what it was about. It sounds so good. I have to read it!
    Rum Punch also sounds good! Ha! Tarantino was probably like- a movie set in Florida will never sell! Haha! I never saw that Tarantino movie. Maybe it didn’t sell anyways? I can’t remember.

    Okay, the one you’ve definitely sold me on is Mrs. Hemingway! I HAVE to read that one!!! I read The Paris Wife which was centered around his first marriage to Hadley and I LOVED it! I think I would love this one too. Hmm? Maybe I should read some actual Hemmingway?
    We talked about his house, remember? My parents went. I want to go!!! The cats all have some genetic deformity…what is it only 3 toes? I can’t remember now. If you haven’t been, that should be where we meet up! I’d be ALL for that! 😉 Although I really need to see Asheville. So hard!
    No lie, since most my vacations center around seeing my parents, I may try to convince them into an Asheville trip and then I can ditch them for the day to see you! And the cats? Please? 🙂

    1. You guys should definitely plan an Asheville trip together. We’d love that so much. Plus, then you can read Thomas Wolfe and visit his house. There is also a great nonfiction book, The Last Castle, which is about the Biltmore. I think you’d really enjoy that one. Don’t forget the champagne bookstore, either. You’d love our talkative fluffs! They would love your undying attention.

      Yes, I remember talking about the Hemmingway House. Kathy just went there on her last cruise too–you both are SO lucky. I tried to get her to blog about it for me, but she said she didn’t know that much about it. Drat! Maybe I can convince you both to write a collab piece for TUL, hehe. ; ) I cannot believe how many cats there are living on the property. I wish we made it to his house while we lived there. His cat obsession is like the Biltmore Vanderbilts with their beloved St. Bernard, Cedric.

      I cannot even begin to tell you how many times we read Their Eyes Were Watching God in undergrad. A LOT. You’ll have to pick it up!

      I enjoy John Green even though librarians give him a lot of shit.

      Hope you are having a fabulous weekend. My parents just left town so I am catching up on blog comments and emails. It’s gorgeous here with the fall foliage but a tad chilly too.

  2. I’m trying to decide if I should be required to turn in my voter’s card because I have not heard of most of these! I may have to move… Or get to binge-reading. Thanks for this great list!

    1. HAHA!! If nothing else, you have to try Hiaasen–his middle-grade books are my favorite. His adult ones…are fun…

      I am so glad that someone else wrote about The Yearling. I just cannot read animal stories.

  3. A Land Remembered is 100% calling my name! I had no idea Paper Towns was set in Florida, oopsie. I haven’t read any John Green books (BIGGER oops); I’ve only seen The Fault in Our Stars. Mrs. Hemingway sounds SO GOOD!! I love the letter/telegram angle. This is such a creative book list!!

    1. Yessssss, I definitely think that A Land Remembered is for you.

      I actually loved The Fault in Our Stars before it became so dang popular (I listened to the audiobook)–and I definitely recommend the audiobook. I didn’t love Green’s An Abundance of Katherines, and I have a like/dislike relationship with Paper Towns. That might be biased since I had to write a paper on it for grad school. I love the criticism of FL in it. Looking for Alaska is another one I enjoyed by Green, and Turtles All the Way Down was ok-ish too (his newer-ish one). If you like LGBT lit, Will Grayson, Will Grayson is fabulous and Green writes it with Levithan (another one of my favorite YA authors).

      Ok, that is probably way more John Green than you needed. Oops. I was a teen librarian; what can I say?! Since you are more into historical fiction and nonfiction, though, I’m not sure you will love Green. He’s hit or miss for people.

  4. Ahhhh I’m so sorry I couldn’t contribute to this awesome list! The reply email to you is still sat in my drafts, I’m a terrible communicator these days… I haven’t read any of these books except Paper Towns (which was OK, not my favourite John Green I have to say). Thanks for sharing, I’ll be sure to check a few of these out.

    1. I missed you SOOOO much on this one. I was just thinking: ‘where did Hayley go?!’ as I published this. I’ve been MIA on IG–there is just no time, and then I got super sick. How have you been? I will have to go stalk you online… I’m not even sure I know where you are right now lol!

      Paper Towns is not my favorite of Green’s either. I read it at least twice and then watched the movie. When I read itPaper Towns a second time for my MLIS class, I just thought Margo needed a good slap across her face lol! She is SO annoying.

      Thanks for dropping by! Xxxxx

  5. Okay, so I MUST read a Florida State of Mind! The likelihood of us moving to Florida in the future is very real and I have a feeling this book will not only amuse us but come in handy.

    Here to Hogwarts sounds like something I’d check out for fun as I love the Harry Potter world. I’m curious to read the author’s thoughts and see the sketches.

    I LOVED the show Dexter. I had no idea it was originally a book. How did I not know this?! Must add to my list.

    As you know, I just came back from a day in the Key West and the Hemmingway house is a must. There are 59 cats on the property and all descendants from Hemingway’s cats. It was obvious he loved his cats dearly. It’s a really cool visit.

    1. Haha, OMG don’t DO IT!! Florida always sounds like a great idea until you actually live there. Then, the traffic nails you and the humidity suffocates you. Imagine what your hair will look like!! You can laugh/cry to a Florida State Of Mind…

      I still want to see all of the pictures from the Hemmingway House…and you know, a guest post…cough cough cough The whole cat thing is probably the neatest perk ever. I can definitely understand loving your cats that dearly too. I wish we made it down there when we lived there.

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